ISSS Journal of Micro and Smart Systems is published twice in a year by the Institute of Smart Structures & Systems which is a registered society under the Registrar of Societies, Karnataka, India. This journal publishes original research articles, review articles and short communications in all areas of smart materials, structures, health monitoring, MEMS and smart systems.  Started in 2012, the journal issues include extended articles from important conference/ symposia proceedings which are of interest to scientists involved in Smart materials/Systems technology. The Journal will give primary importance to the quality of articles and will strive to keep minimum processing time for publication. Started as the Journal of ISSS, since 2017, this journal is co-published by Springer as ISSS Journal of Micro and Smart Systems.
Aims and Scope
The ISSS Journal of Micro and Smart Systems would publish reviews, full–length papers, and short communications exploring the relationships between Smart Materials, Structures and Systems. The journal plans to establish itself as the leading source of primary communication for scientists investigating the interdisciplinary areas of micro and Smart Structures, Systems and properties of all Smart engineering materials some of which are listed below:
Multiphysics: Theoretical and computational advancements and industrial applications of mechanics, acoustics, electromagnetics, magnetics, electrics, fluidics, chemistry, thermodynamics, structures, materials science, biology, etc.
Bio-nanotechnology,:Â bio-photonics, bio-mechanics, bio-manipulation
Smart Materials: conducting, electroactive or chiral polymers, smart ceramics, smart composites, micro-and nano-structured materials, self-assembled materials, liquid crystals, biomaterials, etc.
Sensing and actuation: electric, magnetic, acoustic, electromagnetic, infrared, optical, chemical, inertial, mechanical, biological etc
Fabrication technologies: tools, processes, and materials, vacuum technologies, new fabrication and integration techniques for both silicon and non-silicon materials, top-down and bottom-up approaches, low cost approaches, packaging
Electronics: integration of interface circuits with micro-and nano-scale devices, reliability and sensitivity enhancement
RF MEMS & MOEMS: switches, phase shifters, reconfigurable antennas, integrated optics, optical fibre technology, tunable optics
Energy harvesting: means for accumulation and storage of mechanical forms of energy
Smart Structures: smart aerospace structures, civil infrastructures, transportation vehicles.
Controls: structural acoustic control, real-time implementation, stability of adaptive structures
Structural Health Monitoring: damage assessment, alleviation, and health monitoring of composites, aerospace structures, civil infrastructures and transportation vehicles; self-healing structures
Applications: smart materials and sensors in defense ,agriculture, aerospace, automobile, biomedical, etc; field implementations of sensor networks
Types of Articles
Full-length Research Papers:Â (up to 10 journal pages). Reports of original scientific research, techniques and applications.
Short Communications/Technical Notes: (up to 4 journal pages). These are short technical communications containing information typically insufficient for publication as a full scientific article but revealing new technical procedures. These are also expected to serve as Rapid Communication of significant research outcomes or new innovative concepts.
Topical Review Articles: (up to 20 journal pages) These are intended to summarize currently accepted practice and report on some of the recent progress in areas requiring special attention. Please check with the editorial board on the suitability of a topic before preparing the manuscript for submission.
Periodicity & Distribution
Presently the journal is published biannually.  Journal of ISSS will be distributed in print as well as online. The online access will be provided for members of ISSS. Subscription and distribution will be managed by Springer directly. However special subscription rates would be applicable for life members of ISSS. But libraries of institutions that are corporate members of ISSS will get special rate.
Editorial Board
S. Gopalakrishnan, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
Associate Editors
Ashwin Seshia, Fellow, Queens’ College University of Cambridge, Department of Engineering, UK
Amitava Das Gupta, Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
A. Arockiarajan, Professor Department of Applied Mechanics, IIT, Madras
Ayech Benjeddou, Institut Supérieur de Mécanique de Paris, France
B.R. Vidyashankar, General Electric, Bangalore
Bishakh Bhattacharyya, Dr.Gurumukh D.Mehta and Veena M. Mehta Chair Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology
Christian Boller, Institut für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfverfahren Campus, Germany
Girish Jayant Phatak, Centre for Material for Electronics Technology, Pune
Gopalkrishna Hegde, Biosystems Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
KK Nanda, Material Research Center, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
K. Vijayaraju, Aeronautical development Agency, Bangalore
Lalita Udupa, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Michigan State University, USA
MS Giridhar, Laboratory for Electro-Optic Systems (LEOS), Indian Space Research organization, Bangalore
Mira Mitra, Department of Aerospace Engineering, IIT Kharagpur
P.D. Mangalgiri, Department of Aerospace Engineering, IIT, Kanpur
Prosenjit Sen, Center for Nano-Science and Engineering IISc, Bangalore
Ranjan Ganguli, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
Murali Ghantasala, Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering,Western Michigan University USA
Shekar Bhansali, Alcatel-Lucent Professor and Chair of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Florida International University, USA
Sondipon Adhikari, Chair of Aerospace Engineering, College of Engineering of Swansea University, UK
Subir.K. Bhaumik, Head, Material Science Division, National Aerospace laboratories, Bangalore
Soumyo Mukherji, IITB, Bombay Professor, Department of Biosciences and Bioengineering Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
Vijay K Varadan, Distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering, & Biomedical Engineering, Professor of Neurosurgery (University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences) University of Arkansas, USA
Contact Details
Editor-in-Chief, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560012, India.
Editorial Managers: Shweta Paunikar – Department of Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Science
Email:Â journal.isss@gmail.com