Special Issue on Smart Materials and its Applications
AÂ Arockiarajan
Department of Applied Mechanics,
Indian Institute of Technology – Madras,
Email: aarajan@iitm.ac.in
Bishakh Bhattacharyya
HAL Chair Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology – Kanpur,
Email: bishakh@iitk.ac.in
Deadline for Manuscript Submission
December 31, 2022
Submit Manuscript
Message from the Editors
ISSS Journal of Micro and Smart Systems will be running a Special Issue on Smart Materials and its Applications with the aim of providing the authors and readers a platform to publish and discuss the latest research and new ideas on Smart Materials. The Special Issue will be led by our Guest Editors, Prof. A Arockiarajan and Prof. Bisakh Bhattacharyya, who are expert in the field and will oversee the editorial process for manuscripts. We invite original research articles on Smart Composites, Smart Elastomers, Material Characterization, Sensor Applications, Actuator Applications, Constitutive Modelling, Mechanics and Dynamics of Smart Materials, Novel Practical Applications of Smart Materials, Intelligent System Design, Soft Robots/ Manipulators. Research work on Piezoelectric, Magnetostrictive, Electrostrictive, SMA, ER and MR Fluids, etc. materials will be considered. The deadline for submission of manuscripts for the Special Issue is 31 December, 2022.
For any inquiries related to the Special Issue, kindly contact us at journal.isss@gamil.com
Instructions for Authors
- Full length manuscript can be prepared as per the submission guidelines of the ISSS Journal. Kindly find the manuscript preparation guidelines here
- The submitted manuscripts for the special issue will be reviewed in accordance with the review policies of the ISSS Journal of Micro and Smart Systems.
- Kindly submit the full length manuscript at the email-ids provided above with the subject of the e-mail being “Special Issue on Smart Materials and its Applications”. Also, the manuscript submission can be made at the submission portal provided by the Springer.
- The Springer submission portal is: https://www.editorialmanager.com/isss/default1.aspx
Sri Josyula Seshadri Sastry Best Paper Award
We are pleased to announce that ISSS has instituted a new annual award called “Sri Josyula Seshadri Sastry Best Paper Award”. The purpose of this award is to recognize authors of the outstanding accepted papers submitted to the ISSS Journal, promote high-quality research published, and provide encouragement and acknowledgment of the authors. The award carries a cash prize of 30,000 INR and a citation. This award will be presented in a major award function held in December of each year.
Starting this year, all the accepted papers between January 1 and December 31 to the ISSS Journal of Micro and Smart Structures will be considered for the award. The award selection will be done by a committee set up by the Editor-in-Chief of ISSS. The committee will look at the novel contributions of the accepted paper of the author and the paper reviews. In this regard, the authors, at the time of submission, are encouraged to highlight the novelty of their work in the cover letter that is uploaded during the manuscript submission process.
Looking forward to your manuscripts for the ISSS Journal.
Thanks and regards.
Prof. S Gopalakrishnan
KSIIDC Chair Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering
Editor-in-Chief ISSS Journal for Micro and Smart Systems
Email: journal.isss@gmail.com